Vacuum Insulated Glass (VIG) technology is a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of glass manufacturing, designed to enhance thermal insulation in glass panes. VIG technology embeds a vacuum layer between two or more glass panes, mitigating heat transfer through conduction and convection, unlike traditional double-glazed or triple-glazed windows. This invention was derived from the vacuum flask concept and is famed for its exceptional energy efficiency, sound insulation, and minimalistic design. The technology became prevalent as society progressed towards eco-friendly and energy-efficient solutions, contributing to significant energy savings and reduced carbon emissions in buildings and various structures.


VIG technology has gone through extensive research and development processes since its inception. The first prototypes faced numerous challenges, primarily the difficulty in maintaining a vacuum over time and dealing with the mechanical stress induced by atmospheric pressure. However, advancements in the sealing technologies and edge seal design enabled the mass production of durable and reliable tempered VIG units.

Today, VIG technology is widely used around the globe, aiding in the construction of sustainable and energy-efficient architectural designs, and continues to evolve, with ongoing research focusing on enhancing its performance and reducing the production costs.


5mmT + 0.15V + 5mmTD

5mmT + 1.14PVB + 5mmT + 0.15V + 5mmTD

5mmT + 15A + 5mmT + 0.15V + 5mm

TD5mmTD -e + 0.15V + 5mm

TD5mmTD + 15A + 5C+ 0.15V + 5mmTD

Unit Configurations

Some frequently Asked Questions

  • Although our core product is our Vacuum insulated two pane layer, we do provide a hybrid model with the highest performance that does include an argon layer to further bolster the already incredible properties of our glass.

  • While IG does provide good heat transfer protection, our VIG is able to eliminate conduction and convection through our windows due to a lack of a medium for heat transfer.

  • VIG Glass can be recognized as a premium product and thus directly a slightly higher priced option. The reasoning behind choosing VIG over traditional IG units is that although your initial investment will be higher, the long term recoupment of that investment is not only faster than with IG but also provides even better performance and life span.

  • At the moment our glass holds a PHI certification as well as other international certs. We are at the works in obtaining our NFRC and will be seeing this in the near future. If you want a list of our current U-Value, VLT, SHGC, or other specs, please contact us via the contact page.